Monday, March 29, 2010

Super Foods to the Rescue

As food prices continue to rise, as obesity continues to grow and more of us are seeking healthier foods for our daily lifestyles , more buzz is being generated about "super foods". "Super foods" is the term being assigned to certain foods that benefit us by helping to reduce the risk of chronic illneses associated with poor eating habits, overweight, obesity and a weak immunity system.

Before microwaving, irradiation, estrogen injection, growth hormones, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, genetic modification, aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, nitrosamines, acrilamide, Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Heterocyclic Amines, artificial flavoring,artificial dyes, artificial dyes, artificial sweetners, and trans fats were in our food supply, foods were home grown naturally.

The foods fortified our diets without the necessity for supplementing any extra source unless one obtained the lack of a substance like scurvy as a sailor on the high seas or Pellegra from lack of vitamin B1 or thyroid disease from not getting iodine. But, in general we ate organic from the garden or farm grown items that didn't need "high performance" or artificial coloring. Matter of fact those were exactly what we are now calling the "Super Foods" of today!

The food list itself of the "super foods" that have been selected are not any more different today , but rather how we grow them and how we cook them. Over-cooking or overheating foods may leach out important Nano-Nutrition or denature the natural quality of the proteins. Burning foods , particularly red meat, out right may create toxins called free oxygen radicals to develop which are carcinogenic. Not only that , but the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has several studies showing how America's favorite cooking past time, grilling, is creating other carcinogens to develop called Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heterocyclic Amines.


Today there has been a false sense of security developed that one diet type fits all people. That simply isn't true. Metabolic scientist such as biochemist, physiologist, nutritionist and fitness experts know that tailoring ones fuel sources is key to balancing your metabolism.

Ask yourself do you put the same types of fuels in a Volkswagen bug, a big Mac truck or a Ferrari. Do we give the same fuels for a diabetic, a professional athlete or someone who is a grandmother. The answer is pretty self-evident that "one size doesn't fit all".

Diets in and of themselves are not bad, it is the concept that they evoke about being universal and that anyone on any one particular diet can eat the same as somebody else. The word "diet" is a four-letter word if it is not used properly or correctly and denotes a "bad terminology". We need to understand "nutritional support" , nutritional guidance, nutritional education , nutritional metabolism and perhaps the most lacking is understanding the importance of "Nano-Nutrition".


Why are green leafy vegetables so great? Why are carrots important? What is it that citrus products have that makes them so vital to our health if not our very survival? What is it in grapes that are so essential to daily living. The answer to all of them is because these rich food sources contain Nano-Nutrition , the real "Super Foods" in our diets. If these foods come from a wholesome source and are organic then cooked and prepared properly we almost assure 100% healthier outcomes.

Nano-Nutrition are the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and herbals that nature has supplied us with after thousands of years of adapting on the planet to give the human organism metabolic balance with his/her environment(internal and external).

We are seeing how antioxidants have anti-cancer fighting abilities and may help premature aging. Vitamins can supply anti-cancer fighting effects as well as immune protection and help us from developing metabolic illnesses. Enzymes help in the antimicrobial world as well as help catalyze billions of chemical reactions just going on in one of several billion of our cells!


Berries such as grapes, cherries, strawberries, and blue berries supply strong anti-oxidants along with pomengranates, and citrus products.

Soy, tomatoes, oatmeal and fiber possess anti-cancer powers as well , particularly against prostate , breast and colonic cancers.

Nuts such as almonds supply rich healthier omega 3 oils as well as fish. These not only help lower cholesterol overall, but studies are looking at how fat from fish such as the omega oils may help the brain. The brain is mostly made up of fat. Cognitive function and memory can be enhanced by it.

Even dark chocolate(cocao) has several healthy aspects such as flavonols that act as anti-oxidants.


Powerful Antioxidants that science is looking at as a anticancer fighter include:

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Grape Seed Extract



Super Oxide Dismutase

Co-Enzyme Q(Co-Q-10)




Saw Palmetto

Nano-Nutrition For Brain Function:

Omega 3 Oil


Vitamin B12

Ginko Biloba

Nano-Nutrition to Enhance Cellular Metabolism







Nano-Nutrition that Stabilizes Blood Sugar


Chromium Picolinate

Nano-Nutrition to Enhance Burning Fat(thermogenic effect)



Green Tea

Nano-Nutrition that Controls Appetite:



Red Meat Alternatives




Branch Chain Amino Acids


Fat Alternatives


Olive Oil(Monosaturated fats)

Omega 3 Oil(Fish, almonds)

Omega 6 Oil

Flax seed



Sunflower Oil

Natural Fat Lowerering Nano-Nutrition



Cardio-specific Nano-Nutrition



Saw Palmetto

Vitamin C

Co-Enzyme Q

Select the best brand of Nano-Nutrition available. Dr. Wells recommends Thermogenix products at . Most of the Nano-Nutrition mentioned in this article are used in Thermogenix products from only reputable laboratories that are GMP approved by the FDA.

Dr. Wells is a past Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart Lung & Blood Intitute(NIH/NIHLBI). Dr. Wells served in the Health and Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS), and Commissioned Corp. Dr Wells also holds a Master's degree in Pulic Health from Emory University.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pepsi Challenge ReChallenge: Redux

This week Pepsi Co. , the owners of soft drinks like Pepsi issued a new "challenge" to itself and others like it by announcing it would not only be limiting its soft drink in schools during school hours but made a watershed decision by removing its soft drinks totally within or near educational institutions. This has surprisingly pushed the envelope that much further for Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper to do the same. This comes on the heels of food maker Kraft Foods that has stated it will remove the fat content calorically of its products by at least 10%! Could a "culture of wellness" actually be around the corner? One can only hope, but don't get too overly excited,though!

We know from studies that high school boys consume approximately 72 pounds of sugar a year from diet drinks alone from drinking "just" 2 cans of soda a day! The operative word here is "sugar". Although soft drink companies have agreed to limit "sugar" has anyone bothered to see whats on the back of a can of a soft drink? One might consider having to have a college degree in biochemistry to interpret the rather ambiguous word "sugar" after reading it.

Sugar, we typically think of as an energy component the body needs or it will die. Most of us would be right to think that on face value. But, this type of sugar we very often typically think of glucose comes in various forms from natural foods stuffs that the cell breaks down from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When one says sugar we are also talking about other classifications of it from simple sugars like other monosaccharides including trioses, tetroses, pentoses, and hexoses. Then there is good ole' table sugar called sucrose and other diasaccharides found in honey, maltose and diary products. Will the soft drink companies deny that these too are "sugars" and not just glucose or dextrose it's alter ego often used today as an ingredient? If not will they consider substituting with them?

What about other oligosaccharides and polysaccharides? Will soft drink companies either bait-and-switch us just with other types of carbohydrates that are also sugars , but aren't considered such as much? Most of us are thinking that sugar is just glucose or table sugar and that anything else is just a "zero calorie" product that has no potential harmful effects-not so quick!

We haven't heard the last of it because the approval of other "sugar alternatives" exist that are some 600- 800 times sweeter than sugar! Recently we have seen how aspartame has come into vogue in numerous artificial sweetners. Studies are now indicating that neurological disorders from brain cancers, seizures and behavior related problems and metabolic disorders like PKU may be related to this sweetner which is in numerous soft drinks.

Sucralose which is big in sweetners like Splenda also are making a splash. Sucralose was found accidentally when chemist were trying to make an insecticide through there chlorine and acetylation process. Chlorine is a known carcinogen! Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than table sugar, 3 times sweeter than saccharin and 2 times sweeter than aspartame.

Today Sucralose is mixed with several other artificial sweetners such as aspartame and acesulfane K. These combinations of sweetners can cause weight gain, insomnia, sexual dysfunctions, increase rate of cancer, Lupus, and diabetes.

Today we are all up in an uproar about "sugar" such as glucose(dextrose) and sucrose(table sugar) when the real culprit may be actually HFCS(high fructose corn syrup). This "sugar" is known to be the primary cause today of pediatric obesity, overweight, diabetes, liver disease and high blood pressure. Because of it, pediatric authorities are asking parents to be aware of its uses in soft drinks, snacks, cereals and especially after school and Saturday morning childrens' top list of foods. A whole new generation of diseased livers will enter the healthcare system just in time for healthcare reform to kick in(whenever it does)! The situation is critical now.

Reading the back of soda and food labels has become cumbersome and we are not use to doing it when we go grocery shopping. The kids are tugging on us and we have just come back from the commute. Everyone is hungry and the drive back home to prepare to make "little Johnny and Jenny" a processed balone, mayo, chips and soda is all you can do to please them and have some peace and quiet.

But, shouldn't we be asking why "little Johnny and Jenny" can't sit still and are squirming so much all day ? Why are we seeing more diagnosis today of Attention Defecit(ADD/ADHD) or hyperactivity? Is it purely coincidence?

Before we go singing the praises of any company that's bottom line is driven by the profit margin of sugar and who is about to "remove" " subistitute" or just replace its products in another locals ; let's re-examine what may be merely sugary "semantics" what is lingusitically "mombo jombo and jibber jabber". Let's separate food fact from food fat. We need to individually read more labels do more searches on maltodextrin, saccharin, aspartame, sucarlose and HFCS! What is that stuff anyway? If the food companies and soft drink companies don't consider these as "sugars" also , then what then is a sugar and what can they put in as a non-sugar "sugar" subsititute? What about the artificial food dyes, coloring and artificial flavoring? Can a "sugar shell game" that is used to sweeten up our lives be doing something else more harmful?

Perhaps using natural sweet from nature in fruits as additives in everything we like is a place to start from with our desserts, beverages, cereals and snacks. The more natural and organic the source the better.Don't go shopping hungry all the time and if the kids go with you for shopping, pre-plan with a shopping list. Let them be a part of making the list creation and reward them with fruits more often. Consider Carob, soy, fruit bars and fruit smoothies. Make up "out-of-the world" snacks like organic peanut butter banana sandwiches. The kids will think you are the coolest mom or dad with something "outta sight" like that! The American Dental Association has now endorsed xylitol as a sweet alternative to "sugar" mainly because of the dental issues involved. But, a much more promising alternative may be the natural organic sweetner from the leaves of plants from the Amazon called Stevia.

As more products will no doubt be introduced as "sugar" to the market, what is a sugar or a "sugar" will need to be looked at more. Your guess is as good as your health! Try asking the questions and reading the labels more. If that's not enough write to the food companies and ask specifically. If the makers won't tell you , then you must "make" them!

Learn more about eating healthier and considering healthier sweet choices in life at

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a previous Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute(NIH/NHLBI). He has served in the Health & Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS) and Commissioned Corp. Dr. Wells holds a master's degree in Public Health from Emory University.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obese Pets Often Follow Their Owners Lifestyle

In the whole realm of our lifestyle is the important realm of our pets health.Today we have the enigma of obese and overweight pets affecting the quality of their lives. In the last few decades not only have human beings gotten "bigger" , pets are also increasing in size. It seems that there's more to it than just the puppy chow that's being fed to obese pets of obese and overweight pet owners. It is almost as if they reflect the very essence of their owners in what they eat, how they consume higher numbers of calories and do less and less activity!

It is now reported by pet and veterinarian authorities (Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, Chow Hounds, and ) that approximately 51.5% of cats and dogs in the USA are either obese or overweight! The pets , again just like their owners, are presenting with several chronic illnesses that ratchet up the cost of veterinarian healthcare just as human obesity raises the cost of healthcare.

Some of these diseases that pets are developing seem to be related to their obesity and overweight status similarly to the ones caused by human obesity such as: type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respiratory diseases like asthma, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases , arthritis, lowered immunity, skin and hair problems as well as digestive diseases.


Pets and pet owners both have to get in shape together. Just like with humans, pets need a regimen based on wellness, prevention, fitness, nutritional support and nutritional supplements. Most pet owners of obese pets do not and will not realize or recognize their pets as obese or overweight and will persist in over-feeding them with numerous snacks chocked full of dangerous harmful calories. It is snacks that are raising the level of obesity more today , anywhere from 50 calories or more in bacon snacks, cheese snacks and others add extra "carbs" and fat to the pets diet.

This doesn't mean you have to stop giving your "smart" , obedient and faithful friend snacks, but experts say that treats shouldn't be more than about 10% of the total calories daily in their diet. A ten pound cat doesn't need more than about 300 calories a day and a 40 pound dog needs no more than 1000 calories a day.


It would be nutritionally advisable to give pets crunchy veggies like baby carrots, cucumbers or celery. Liver Biscotti is another one. Prevention comes in with avoiding peach pits, apple seeds, onions, and left over steak even. One must try to give your pets meats that have had the fat trimmed off of it. Try adding more veggies, non-fat yogurt or egg white to their diet. Low fat or no fat cheese is another alternative to consider. Read the labels and look out for fillers like corn as a prime ingredient , also. Remeber that many pet foods have many artificial fillers that are absolutely useless for your pet! Avoid chocolate, avocados and sweetners. Cat owners pay attention to tuna snack caloric intake especially!


Pet authorities recommend lamb ears and cow ears along with dried beef liver, fresher meats and veggies. Avoid the artificially processed foods altogether. Even chow you mix at home with chicken and brown rice, egg white and vegetables are probably better more often than not than what you get in some stores.


Many of our pets are not getting adequate activity . If you are not working out , chances are your pet isn't either. A simple walk will do. But, some pets will run for a thrown ball, a ball or yarn and even a frisbee, too! Some animals like to swim, good luck with your cat , though! Go to a park that also includes a pet park or course where they can "workout" with you. Build the relationship with your animal and build its confidence up with activity as it gets into shape with you.


Veterinarians and pet authorities are recommending your pets to be given supplements such as multi-vitamins and antioxidants just like for you!


Sometimes animals can get stressed out just like their owners and require a pet nutritionist or psychologist to re-direct and get back on track again. Animals reflect their owners in more ways than one. Watching and learning their behaviors and their weight may tell us more about ourselves than we imagine.

Learn more on how you can improve your lifestyle more to include your pets at

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a previous Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute(NIH/NHLBI). Dr. Wells holds a master's degree in Public Health from Emory University and has served in the Health & Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS) , and Commissioned Corp.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The New Science of Bacteria Related Obesity, Cancer, Oral Hygeine, Heart Disease

It seems more often what we put into our mouths is having a much greater effect on us much than just its caloric value. We now know about the effects of high fat and high carbohydrate have but, rarely understand the connection that having extremely poor dentition has in causing heart disease! Medical science has long understood that bacteria could come from teeth that are poorly cared for. In extreme cases these bacteria seed to the heart causing "vegetations" that are septic. This extreme case is called Bacterial Endocarditis. But, now dental researchers are alarmed at how pericoronitis, gingivitis, cavities and missing teeth are perhaps are a much greater indicator for heart disease than even the fibrinogen clot level, low HDL(good cholesterol) or even a high triglyceride. An important study published in the journal Circulation in 2004 by Harvard School of Public Health and Boston University School of Dentistry researchers revealed this.


We all practically know about brushing our teeth and tongue, flossing and using a good mouth wash. But, did you know that there are natural approaches that can augment the safety of your dental health? Naturapaths published in 2009 that folic acid, vitaminc c, bioflavanoids, Co-Enzyme Q-10, and hyaluronic acid help reduce the inflammation in your gums and for the bleeding. These come in liquid forms.

Herbal remedies such as Neem, Chamomile, Echinacea and Myrrh may also help. Studies on natural use of products have been published in the British Journal of Medicine

in 2009.


Again when we think of obesity we think of overeating and lack of exercise , but researchers at Emory University in Atlanta have recently seen that the normal gut flora can lack a protein called TLR5. The lack of this protein doesn't allow control of the flora's pathogenic potential in some cases , so they flourish This is believed to cause an inflammatory reaction that causes the increased population to compete with insulin. If insulin can not send signals to help sugar to be absorbed weight gain can occur. Not only weight gain but the Metabolic Syndrome(Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome , Syndrome-X) .

The Metabolic Syndrome is the quintessential definition of the "Un-Healthy Lifestyles Syndrome" that includes high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood glucose, high blood pressure and obesity. The lack in the TLR5 can not control the "gut bug" population and more competition for insulin receptors occur.The bacteria may cause a sort of inflammatory response so that insulins ability is blunted.


Scientist have known that 2 types of obesity exists . Hypertrophic or the large size of an adipose fat cell and hyperplastic , the high number of adipose fat cells. There is now known that certain chemical factors called cytokines can cause an immuno-inflammatory resposne believed to be due to bacteria. The inflammation causes the fat cells to increase in their number and obesity tends to occur.


Today medical science is looking at the very deadly connection between bacteria, inflammation and cancer. Instestinal cancers may be related to the inflammation caused by bacteria. This is not that of pathogenic bacteria , but rather by the normal gut flora! There are possible pre-cancerous states due to inflammation in the gut such as Chron's Disease, Colitis, and Adenomatous Polyposis.

"Knock-out" research of G protein research shows that there are certain mutagenic models for this to happen. Also there are stressors that put us at greater risks. These include oxygen free radicals, pro-inflammatory bacteria and bacterial antigens(foreign material).

What happens is that a series of changes on our gut wall begins to occur such as inflammation, disorganized changes with ulceratin and even abcesses. Very inflammatory mutagenic tumor causing factors like TNF will be released. We are seeing normal flora such as numerous Lactobacilli strains in this as well as others. These reactions are now believed to be causing colon cancer and hepatic cancer as well.


Are there alternatives to only being relegated to immuno-suppressive therapy like steroids, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporines and methotrexate and others. Empahtically yes! But, it starts with designing a healthy lifestyle by beginning with prevention.


Prevention of chronic disease is the idea of effecting a regimen including regular exercise, eating higher amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, fiber, drinking more water, meditating, and in reducing the use of toxic household items.


Reducing exposure to certain toxins. This means genetically modified foods, estrogen treated food, growth hormone injected foods, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, HCAs/PAHs in grilled meats, MSG, Aspartame, Saccharin, Acrilamide in french fries, trans fats, saturated fats, burnt crisped foods, super salted foods, Nitrosamines, Smoked foods, food coloring, food dyes, artificial food flavors, irradiated foods, fast foods and microwaved foods


Start by noting how many calories, servings of food, cups of items you eat containing fat and carbohydrates. Have already designated workout days. Find a space to meditate, try to avoid traffic, take the stairs over the elevator, always floss teeth and get your 8 hours of sleep.


There is no doubt medical science sees that disease is started at the cellular level which also means treatment, cure and healing all are also at this level, too. It means that these methods of cooking are not always helping us get all we need to fight disease. Nano-Nutrition which are organic based supplements( ) are how we can fight potential threats at the cellular level such as toxins that can produce these diseases.

Try to Re-supplement your cellular metabolism with powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Super Oxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Grape seed extract, Pomengranate extract, Resveratrol, Lycopene, Soy, Flavonols, Retinoids, and Caretinoids.

Consider more Super Foods in your diet such as dark chocolate, carobe, blueberries, strawberries, and cherries with antioxidants. Almonds have healthy oils along with Salmon. Load up on more fiber such as oatmeal as well.


Consider oils that can reduce cholesterol , LDL, and triglyceride such as omega 3 and omega 6 oil. Try Flax or Flax seed oil as well as Safflower. Black Currant is another possibility. Instead of butter and margarine go with Beconol more often.


Reduce the amounts of red meats you consume and go with more chicken and fish. If you already do that consider now adding soy, whey and casein.

Also consider probiotic enzymes that help promote natural gut flora. Antibiotics tend to destroy the natural protective gut flora making it possible for pathogens to flourish and further reduce our own immunity.

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a previous Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart , Lung, & Blood Institute where he worked with principal researchers of Syndrome-X. He holds a Master's in Public Health from Emory University . He has also served in the Health & Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service (PHS) and Commissioned Corp.

Learn more on healthier choices and supplements for a healthier lifestyle at

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pushing the Envelope of the "Vanity Syndrome" for Extreme Weight Loss

In the last part of the last century and certainly lingering in the 21st century is a new social and cultural syndrome that poses a grave health threat to us. It's called the "Vanity Syndrome". Dr. Marcus Wells( ) has termed it becaue of a type of narcissism that has somehow invaded our habits and behaviors daily and diverted our real health focus. It has spoiled us and become heavily influenced by a media campaign that tells us to dislike ourselves for "who" we are to become somthing that isn't "what" we are!

No body shape is perfect but the media industry has hammered that into our heads that not being "perfect" is not acceptable so much that we have started believing it. It begins with the several hours of television, radio , bill board and inernet ads that bombard us with images that influence our subconcious.

We are "programmed" to fit into and look a certain way and if not we are to be considered somehow less desirable, inadequate, incompetent and yes even unhealthy by some standards.

Beauty has been redefined by the media and Ad industry as a measure of their ideal standard and it has created a "Vanity Syndrome" for some who have felt that they have to obtain this ideal ( fabricated) standard at all or any cost literally , even at the expense of their own lives.

On Monday March 8th ABC Nightline ran a story about the rising rate of liposuction in the United States. Years ago this was a surgical procedure reserved only for skilled and qualified plastic surgeons to perform. Now, virtually "any" MD from any general or other specialized field can take a few hours couse on the weekend to learn how to do it.

"Lipo" makes over $10 Billion dollars a year in revenue and now it is not only being performed at inpatient hospital ORs, but outpatient clinics as well as commercial spas.

The risk of liposuction to the general public is usually under-publicized and realized. Going "under the knife" with "lipo" can sometimes involve heavy anesthesia such as lidocaine and propofol. Being unconcious presents always a concern as well as bleeding. Heart rates, breathing rates, blood gases, and body hemodynamics most always be properly monitored!

Today we are seeing quick weight loss programs that do not stress fitness, nutritional support, wellness, and prevention. We have seen how extremely very low calorie diets and liquid protein diets have caused problems with dehydration, loss of minerals and cardiac complications. At one time wrapping up in tight non-breathable material to workout in was acceptable. Super weight loss drugs like phertermine and fenfluramine posed a health concern as well as high dose Ephedra(Mahuang).

It's almost possible to lose weight with virtually anything today. However, the question we should be asking ourselves is are we also getting proper nutritional support, drinking adequate water, getting in leisure exercise, learning prevention , wellnes and in a nutshell making a healthier lifestyle choice. Anything that radically changes your lifestyle or is only usable for 2-3 months can not be considered a lifestyle change.

Today we have run into several "side effects" of the "Vanity Syndrome". We judge people harder who are obese and overweight by putting certain stereotypes on them. This isolates them further from participating in the socializiation process and causes them to develop depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bulimia, anorexia, and body dysmorphia. As children inparticular are ostracized by judgemental parents or cruel peers we see skewed eating patterns develop. Overeating is not so simply explained as we were once led to believe. Foods can be addictive and eating can become a compulsion based on a chemical imbalance we have with serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Unfortunately some have felt that drugs called serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and selective serotonin inhibitors(SRI/SSRI) are the best way to treat this problem. The problem is that these same drugs actually can cause suicide, anxiety and depression.

Today we recognize the real possiblity of local, state and even federal government imposing taxes on obese and overweight people as a type of "sin tax" , even foods that have higher calories and fats also may become more taxed. Parents who let their children become fat may become penalized or even criminalized in the system. Airlines have already begun to charge extra or demand that those over a certain weight purchase an extra seat or be faced with being "kicked off " the flight!

If the public can not "measure up" to the media's ideal standards of beauty, what is the community to do? Do people with moderate obesity or overweight continue with liposuction and go on crash diets? The answer goes back to making something a part of your lifestyle. We can make a culture of wellness by defining acceptable and reasonable health standards.But, the "nexus" of this paradigm shift will have to be for health agencies like the HHS, FDA, USDA, restaurant and grocery industry as well as media and Hollywood "engineers" to create a campaign that will back up an extraordinary platform of prevention, wellness and fitness. The healthcare professionals would have to change their focus from sub-compartamentlized medicine to holistic-preventive-ocmplemtary-integrated health. This means using supplements and alternatives to help in the fight for physical health and for the fiscal budget.

The ultimate responsibility will be our own in this battle that is waged against an unhealthy lifestyle. If the cost of health ends up costing our own lives, then we must focus on "changing" our lifestyle and the image we see ourselves as. This means becoming more self aware when we are gaining weight, becoming sedentary, not drinking enough water, not getting nutrients or exposed to household and environmental toxins.

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a previous clinical associate at the National Institutes of Health in the National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute(NIH/NHLBI). He has served in the Health and Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS) and Commssioned Corp.

Learn more on natural and preventive ways to a healthier lifestyle at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Relationship of Maternal Health, Obesity and Diabetes

Today ABC News reported on the new World Health Organization(WHO) report that the United States ranks 33rd in the world on maternal health in childbirth. The W.H.O. had already given the United States a 37th ranking in total health of nations in the world last year.

Studies are showing that there is a rise in maternity morbidity and mortality rates with women especially with C-sections and other procedure related births especially within the first 42 days after delivery.

The W.H.O. reports that the deaths are related to women who appear to be stationary or sedentary immediately for prolonged periods, after having a C-section, and tend to be obese! A medical occurence known as a thromo-embolic event is the most likely culprit for causing this phenomenom in happening.

Thrombo-embolic events are blood clots usually due to blood pooling in large veins or some arteries after an individual stays stationary for some significant period of time. The pooling of blood allows platelets and blood cells more time to adhere . Clots that form in this manner are called thrombi. Thrombi can occur in the low pressure vessels such as the lower leg , abdomen and right side of the heart.

When pressure abruptly rises from someone standing or having a valsalva manuever( straining from the waist) the "clot" can break off and travel to higher pressure areas such as the left side of the heart or to the brain where strokes happen. When this occurs an embolus has occured.

Recent studies indicate now that about one in every five maternal deaths is in women who have diabetes, asthma and complications of their delivery as a result of C-sections. C sections are even more dangerous because they offer the woman more risk of infection as well. A woman with a history of a C-section and even worse multiple C-sections has an even greater risk of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Obesity has become the "Mother of All Chronic Illnesses" including maternal diseases. The risk of complications in pregnancy increase in women who are already overweight or obese at the time of pregnancy , but the risk of non-obese women who become obese in the middle of pregnancy rises higher as well. The risk is not only to the mother who now is a candidate of gestational diabetes and it's complications with out well controlled sugar; the risk also falls on the fetus who now is at risk of becoming obese, diabetic and gestationally much larger. Larger babies are more difficult to deliver and are at risk for complications during pregnancy and delivery. Women with gestational diabetes seem to have more fluid in the placenta(amnionitic fluid) a condtion called polyhydraminos.

Also note that obesity is associated with numerous pulmonary diseases including asthma other obstructive disease, restrictive lung disease, sleep apnea, and the Pickwickian Syndrome.

Many of the women who are susceptible to blood clots are women who are on estrogen medication or who smoke. The combined affect is very detrimental . Women who are diabetics also are at risk, but those who have poorly controlled sugar are particularly vulnerable.

There are some clotting factor disorders that need to be looked at. Clotting factors are made in the liver and are dependent upon Vitamins D, A, K, and E, Christmas factor and Von Willenbrand factor as well as Clotting factor VII and VIII must be tested for as well as anyone who has higher platelets and red blood cells than normal(polycythemia vera). Check your family history and be aware that bleeding can be a complication with clotting and always tell your physician before labor if you are on any drugs , particularly aspirin like!

If you are obese or overweight continue a lifestyle program of nutritional support and exercise while pregnant until told not to do so. Keep your cholesterol and blood sugar in its normal limits. chart your baby's weight gain as you take on more weight, watch your hunger craves and document which foods may make you hungrier or those that you crave more often and chart when you eat them and their caloric amount. Report patterns to your nutritionist.

If you smoke try stopping and realize you may need a non-pharmaceutical means to quit so no cross over of drugs affects your baby!

Becoming sedentary after an invasive procedure is a risk for the thrombo-embolic event to occur. Ask your doctor for pulsatile or jobe hose stockings while being hospitalized. Sometimes wiggling the toes help. When a person can tolerate it , physical therapy in-house can perform some passive exercises for you.

Your medical staff should be aware of your clotting factors and bleeding times and PT/PTT as well as your liver function ; if they are not you should ask what they are!

Try to avoid having induced labor or C-sections as much as possible and always use prevention.

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a past clinical associate at the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart , Lung & Blood Institute(NIH/NHLBI) and has a Master's in Public Health from Emory University. He has also worked at the Health and Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS), and Commissioned Corp.

Learn more about prevention of obesity and developing a healthier lifestyle at

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Natural Green Health" lifestyle may become way to "culture of wellness"

Last week Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN( a fellow Emory graduate) showcased the expensive cost of a surgery room suite in a typical hospital. Today , chief medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen of CNN discussed several cheap items in hospitals and clinics that are marked up by thousands of times driving the cost to patients, insurance premiums and healthcare costs in general.

Here are some of the items she presented on CNN:
Tooth brushes for $1000

One Tylenol tablet for $140

Disposable latex gloves for $53.00 a pair

One alcohol square swab( 1 x 1 inch) for $23

There has been incidents where a patient had come in ER at one hospital and only utilized one IV bag, but was "co-incidentally" charged for using 41 intravenous bags rounding out at a cost of $4182

We are now seeing this "wasteful" spending becoming commonplace in healthcare environments daily. This is not practicing defensive medicine , but "wasteful" spending adding up to a cost of some $1,000,000,000,000, 000, thats One Trillion Dollars!

While policy makers are still hammering out the cost of the healthcare system , how are health practitioners and more importantly you going to put the "health" back into healthcare?

More and more alternatives that are not only effective , but cost- effective are being sought by both practitioners and patients that are addressing this issue naturally.

Today we are seeing that the majority of our tax dollars are going for treating the biggest diseases that cost the most in healthcare which are all related to obesity and overweight. Enter the "paradigm shift" in delivery of healthcare in the USA.

Because obesity is the cause or co-morbid creator of heart disease(cardivascular disease such as high blood pressure, stroke, angina, heart attack), cancers(breast, prostate, colon),Diabetes, Arthritis, Polycystic ovarian disease, infertility in males and females, immuno-suppression, Pulmonary diseases(asthma, restrictive disease, sleep apnea, pickwickian syndrome), Body dysmorphia, Depression, and eating disorders along with gout, high cholesterol and poorly controlled blood sugar. It is time we use sound logistics and tactics to attack this problem of a poor lifestyle.

A more cost effective type of health can be delivered focusing on prevention , fitness, sound nutritional support, and Nano-Nutrition(supplements, herbs, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes).

If obesity is "The Mother of All Diseases" a Prevention Program can help eradicate our poor Lifestyle Culture into of Wellness.

Supplements are a fraction of the cost that pharmaceuticals do and in long term regular uses with diet and fitness may help prevent many illnesses we seem to be overpaying for.

Eating more of a Mediterranean style diet along with garlic, onions, and a a Ayurvedic product called Guggul may help lower cholesterol along with eating more marine sea foods. Utilizing more monosaturated fats like olive oil is healthier as well. Omega 3 and 6 oils which have proven to help lower cholesterol. Alternative oils such as flax, flax seed , and safflower are also benefiting those who are seeking to lower body and blood fats like adipose, triglyceride and cholesterol. Try switching from saturated fats and margarine to Benecol!

Other Super Foods that can become part of your dietary regimen to fight chronic illnesses because of their vitamins and antioxidant power include:

Berries(cherries, strawberries, blue berries) Almond and nuts, avocado, salmon, dark chocolate that have flavonols, oatmeal, oat bran and fiber.

To combat heart disease the uses of more antioxidants in green, red, orange and yellow vegetables and fruit along with nuts such as almonds will help promote a more natural dietary approach . But, for those of us who don't get it all this way there are supplements that have antioxidants that combat or prevent heart diseases.

Avoiding  Homocysteine in red meats in particular are important because these have become two of the greatest risk factors along with family history, diabetes, high triglycerides and high cholesterol. One must try to lose weight or maintain a weight control method as well through dietary and exercise modification.

Keeping your platelets less sticky by understanding that that blood Fibrinogen levels which is related to clot formation and another factor called CRP (which measures inflammation a oxidation and immune response to clots and plaque production ) can help you determine risk of having a heart attack.

Improving your cardio-pulmonary reserve is improved with aerobic style exercises such as jogging, swimming, skiing, basketball, tennis, and or Pilates are helpful.

Try adding Super Antioxidants to reduce inflammation and the oxidation process that produce oxygen free radicals in the arteries such as: Selenium, Co-Enzyme Q 10, NADH, NADPH, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Super Oxide, Dismutase, Grape Seed Extract, Resveratrol, Pomengranate extract, Hawthone and Acai.

Besides continuing your exercise and nutritional food regimen you might want to consider Fermented soy, temph, casein and whey more often in your diet. Soy has phytoestrogens that help in the fight of preventing breast cancer and may be good for men to prevent prostatic cancer. More fiber to help the transit time of your larger intestines is recommended as well. For men with health concerns about their prostate consider trying more Saw Palmetto which helps enlargement and Lycopene a powerful tomato antioxidant that stops dangerous forms of testosterone in being formed.

Two major problems in the battle on obesity and type 2 diabetes are the high concentration of sugar particularly by high fructose corn syrup(HFCS) which is seen more in sodas, snacks, cereals and childrens food items. We are seeing a rise in more Type 2 diabetes in kids along with fatty liver(liver dysfunction), obesity, overweight condition, high blood pressure and heart disease. Much of this is due to the higher amounts of sugar by HFCS in the diet along with high amounts of table sugar, snacks, candies and soda kids are eating.

There is hope today for those with blood sugars out of control. The mineral Chromium Picolinate and herbal Gynemma seem to help stabilize blood sugar so the "crash & burn" we get from immediate sugar ingestion isn't as hard hitting. Insulin sensitivity may improve with these two products along with regualar exercise. Body composition as far as the fat to lean muscle mass ratio may also improve as well.

Our society is seeing more food addictions occur to carbohydrates especially and the brain chemistry leads us to a neuochemical call serotonin which may be causing this. Hoodia, the famous South African plant seems to have a natural mechanism that specifically controls these "carb craves" , while HCA(Garcinia Cambogia) is more for generalized appetite control as it builds up more lean muscle mass and improving metabolsim.

The American Dental Association has endorsed Xylitol as a healthy alternative to table and simple sugars. But, another alternative making as much an impact is Stevia, another South American herb that is changing how we eat by being sweeter than sugar and not causing hyperglycemia, tooth decay or diabetes.

Learn more about how you can convert your diet and exercise program into a more natural regimen to combat chronic illness such as heart disease, cancers and diabetes at

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a past Clinical Associate at the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart , Lung & Blood Institutute(NIH/NHLBI) and has a Master's in Public Health from Emory University as well as worked for the HHS(Health and Human Services, Public Health Service and Commissioned Corp)