The mention of "Nano-Nutrition" is a new paradigm shift in how we must all relate to our foods as Bio-Fuels.It is being introduced by Thermogenix( . Long gone are the days of seeing food as merely a luxury for taste and style. Food is an essential component to our daily lives, our state of the national economy and the health of a nation. Thermogenix is the concept that brings us the idea of "Nano-Nutrition" as Bio-fuels.
When we think of how we breakdown foods into their components the ever changing food pyramid comes to mind. But, even it is limited. The food pyramid doesn't really break it down for us to conceputalize fully what those foods really are in their most basic form nor does it show that foods overlap in many categories.
Thermogenix reveals how the food pyramid and other models miss discussing how proteins are broken down into categories called essential and non-essential amino acids, or how carbohydrates are broken down further into various simple and complex carbohydrates and misses describing how fats are broken down into saturated , unsataturated, trans fats and essential fatty acids.
But, the ovelapping circular model of Thermogenix ( )not only includes these explanations, but it includes herbs, vitamins, minerals, anit-oxidants and supplements including water as "foods". They are all consumable and are eventially broken down into chemical components called Bio-fuels. This is the concept of "Nano-Nutrition" and the idea of "Micro-Dieting" as opposed to the realm of seeing everything from a macrobiotic point of view. It is actually the Microbiotic level where everything really is working!
In this concept proteins are broken down into essential amino acids that have to be obtained from only external sources and into the non-essential amino acids that are made in the human body. One of the largest repositories of protein in the human body is muscle and much of our muscle is made up of creatinine as well. Muscles need to be replenished by healthy protein sources that come from amino acids. Many minor amino acids act as muscle energizers in the form of creatine. Another is from pyruvate which the body utilizes when the muscle undergoes oxygen debt during exercise(anaerobics). Because creatinine and creatine can hold higher energy phosphates to make ATP , one of the highest energy products in the cell , use of these components are far superior to pyruvate. Lean muscle mass can be built up also by exercise, like isotonic or aerobic types of activity that helps the most important muscle in the body, the heart. Isometrics in shorter intervals are less effective for overall systematic support , but do play an important supporting role. Exercise raises the level of metabolism to burn fat which helps build leaner muscle as well.
Healthy protein sources can include a variety of foods. Basic ones include:
Red meat: beef, lamb and pork
White meat: chicken and fowl
Fish:Marine fish and freshwater
Shellfish: crab, lobster, shrimp, oysters
Organ meats: liver, pate, etc...
But, their are perhaps even healthier protein sources we need to look at that have lesser implication when it comes to heart disease and cancer. These include:
Fermented soy
However, be certain of any gluten, wheat or dairy allergies when utilizing these alternatives depending on your sources.
An even greater source gaining much favor in athletes and vegetarians alike are:
Nuts: Almonds are good for the heart
Brown rice
Be aware that Lacto-proteins like cheeses and egg albumin offer some benefit depending on your metabolic type and your body fat. Again, remember the Wells Overlap model where some foods fit actually into more than one category.
With lack of protein in our diet we may find that our hair and nails become dry and brittle or the skin turgor is not as great so we seek more wrinkles. Weakness, malaise, and fatigue prematurely are other generalized symptoms are common also. Muscle wasting seen in malnourished inviduals are extremes of this in Kwashiokar and Marasmus.
We are seeing today how addicting carbohydrates can become to all of us. Like anything else eating in moderation is the key. But, the science of addiction science is now looking at the wiring of our brains . This science explains how we eat sweets to raise levels of biochemicals like serotonin to reduce depression or obtain "comfort" , thus the name "comfort foods". The sweet is a subsitute often acting as a surrogate for something else. These foods are literally altering mood as we eat them and some can almost cause an "orgasmic" or euphoric high while if and when they are witheld can mimick or cause actual withdrawl.
But what are complex and simple carbohydrates? They are what we eat practically everyday from the supermarket. Complex carbohydrates include fruits and vegetables. They add fiber so that the absorption rate of glucose is not as rapid like that of simple carbohydrates we find in breads, cereals, cakes, pies, and candy. Often a "sugar rush or high" ensues after eating and then a rapid low or "crash" occurs with these. Fiber also helps the transit time in which our gastro-intestinal tract moves to sweep out un-digested material. Monosaccharides like glucose give us short energy and can be beneficial for athletes in quick exercise. Some amino acids like DMG can be converted to glucose to give your muscles the energy from tiring out too quicly in competition or work outs that have smoother absorption rates. Other simple sugars are fructose(corn sources), maltose , galactose(syrup sources) and lactose(diary source)But , other simple sugars include diasaccharides such as table sugar. It is estimated the average American consumes 150 pounds of table sugar annualy!
The greater challenge today is trying to get children and some adults from the highly addictive and highly commercialized HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup) which is in just about all snack foods we see in the supermarket from cereal, cakes, cookies, candy , chips and sodas. Pediatric authorities have come out strongly against this form of carbohydrate because how much it is utilized , but for an even greater developing problem. That is the rapid rise in pediatric diabetes, fatty liver disease and even cardio-vascular problems due to its over-use. It is believed that a high population of those with liver dsyfunction will arise in the next generation of Americans due to this carbohydrate. This has a direct expense on healthcare for us greatly in the coming future.
Be aware of foods with aspartame which is implicated in toxic neurological problems including epileptic-type results and brain tumors. Saccharin was shown in animal studies to be related to cancer. Many of these "artificial sweetners" are heavily used in sodas.
Today it is known that Stevia and Xylitol offer the two top alternatives in our diets if we chose an alternative sweetner . Both are "green" alternatives to simple sugars . Stevia comes from a green leafy plant from South America and parts of Asia. It is known to be hundreds of times sweeter than simple sugars and doesn't cause hyperglycemia or related problems such as type II diabetes nor tooth cavities. One will not experience the "crash" one gets with simple sugars using this either. Xylitol has received a recent endorsement by certain dental authorities as the preferred alternative sweetner and is known to cut down and prevent cavities in teeth!
Today one of the biggest epidemics pushing upwards of over twenty million is Diabetes. As diets become higher in fats and carbohydrates and as activity becomes less and less we are becoming a "bigger" nation , literally. Obesity, overweight status and the Metabolic-Cardiovascular Syndrome(Syndrome-X which is associated with hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, over-weight, and heart disease) are all on the rise. The first thing is to try and prevent these metabolic derrangements of our blood by eating more complex carbohydrates , then try to exercise by simply walking.
Sure, today we see that we can help reduce rising blood sugars in our daily lifestyle by adding a mineral called Chromium picolinate. It helps stabilize blood sugar from rising too much or too fast and can help aborption rates of the sugar while at the same time help build lean muscle mass . This mineral can also help improve your body fat composition. But, there may be an even better choice in a botanical (herbal) called Gynemma. It is from a green leafy plant that does practically everything as chromium. These agents do not mean you can stop taking your insulin or your oral hypoglycemic agent(OHAs), however those who are battling stability of blood sugar before becoming a diabetic or someone who already is, this may be an alternative or additive to assist and make you less dependent on OHAs
Fats are not only good they are essential even cholesterol. The liver also produces cholesterol besides us eating it from external dietary sources. This cholesterol is the important component utilized by our brains fatty material called sphingomyelin and the fatty vitamins( D,A,K,E) as well as making natural occuring anti-inflammatory agensts called prostaglandins. The fats are used by the lipid layer of our cells to help emulsify agents and help in the gating-control of osmosis. So, fat is essential . What we have to understand is that fats have to be controlled. The amount we intake and the types we consume have to be monitored in the diet. The easy accesibility and the "taste" that commercially utilized fats give us is ever so tempting especially in fast food restaurants.Saturated fats have gone under fire as the main culprit because of cholesterol. But, we just shown you how cholesterol is good . Well, actually it is both good with the right quantity and quality , but can be dangerous when they are too much. But, realize when fats are "oxidized" in the blood and are at a very high level, they can harm the inner surfaces of vital arteries like the coronaries in the heart. This along with clogging the artery with platelets and calcium are the "combined" cause of angina, artery spasm, and heart-attack. Free oxygen radicals and a process known as Peroxidation are being looked into as potential causes of cardio-vascular events , but other causes that have been presented are immune causes and bacterial, particularly from poor dental hygeine. So, understand that whole process. This is also why anti-oxidants are important to the heart. Some studies have ironically even shown that poly-unsaturated fats(PUFAs) could actually be the culprit and not saturated fats. I believe that it has to be more of a "combined " cause regardless , that involves a process.
Of course we eat them everyday practically and they are in our organic supermarkets. These include coconut oil and canola oil. Coconut oil has been looked at by several sources to improve immunity , prevent certain cancers and act as a anti-bactericidal. Go back to the beginning of the section on fats to review how fats are needed.
Fats are important and fats are needed and some fats like Omega 3 oils help reduce the bad cholesterol known to us as LDL. Cholesterol has to be taken into consideration as a total number. But , more importantly you must look at the level of the LDL and HDL known as the good fat indivially, then even more importantly is the ratio of your LDL to the HDL. We have discussed above the sources of increased saturated fats, these dietary sources happen to be the same sources that cause increased LDL. So, what helps us increase the HDL? Exercise and wines(both red and white). Garlic and onions have been mentined as well as an ancient Indian agent known as guggul are known to help reduce the rising cholesterol as well .
What are alternative fats that we should be using:
Flax oil
Flax seed oil
Olive Oil
Omega 3( Marine fish) DHA, EFA, GLA, Cod Liver
Omega 6
some Omega 9 (be careful how and when used)
The key agents we have to utilize more of are Nano-Nutrition because heart disease is the number one killer . These include anti-oxidants. We just explained the harmful effects of "oxidation" in the body that are believed to produce heart disease and cancer. The idea of anti-oxidizing agensts is used to detoxify these harmful chemicals .
Vitamin C
vitamin E
Super Oxide Dismutase
Co-Enzyme Q 10
Grape Seed Extract
Pomegranate Extract
Co-enzyme Q
These are the ones that are most powerful, easily accesible and mostly utilized today and are commercially available. Always check and make sure you obtain them from a reputable source.
L-Carnitine has proven invaluable because it is known to be a fat carrier in the cell. It will transport fats from adipose to be delivered to the liver for higher utilization. Mitochondria , the powerhouses of the cells also receive the delivered fats in other organ cells for energy, too. L-Carnitine is readily available as a supplement form as well.
In closing, try to get about 50 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber daily. Be aware of your salt intake keeping it from 0.5 grams to 4 grams daily. Your body fat , if you are an adult female should be below 32% and between 15-22 % for males. Keep your BMI(body mass index) below 30. Make carbohydrates between 50 - 60 % of your daily intake about which 75 % should come directly from complex carbs. A total cholesterol below 200 mg/dl is also ideal.
Go to to learn more about these and other Nano-Nutrition and about how to use Nano-Nutrition as daily Bio-fuels daily.
When we think of how we breakdown foods into their components the ever changing food pyramid comes to mind. But, even it is limited. The food pyramid doesn't really break it down for us to conceputalize fully what those foods really are in their most basic form nor does it show that foods overlap in many categories.
Thermogenix reveals how the food pyramid and other models miss discussing how proteins are broken down into categories called essential and non-essential amino acids, or how carbohydrates are broken down further into various simple and complex carbohydrates and misses describing how fats are broken down into saturated , unsataturated, trans fats and essential fatty acids.
But, the ovelapping circular model of Thermogenix ( )not only includes these explanations, but it includes herbs, vitamins, minerals, anit-oxidants and supplements including water as "foods". They are all consumable and are eventially broken down into chemical components called Bio-fuels. This is the concept of "Nano-Nutrition" and the idea of "Micro-Dieting" as opposed to the realm of seeing everything from a macrobiotic point of view. It is actually the Microbiotic level where everything really is working!
In this concept proteins are broken down into essential amino acids that have to be obtained from only external sources and into the non-essential amino acids that are made in the human body. One of the largest repositories of protein in the human body is muscle and much of our muscle is made up of creatinine as well. Muscles need to be replenished by healthy protein sources that come from amino acids. Many minor amino acids act as muscle energizers in the form of creatine. Another is from pyruvate which the body utilizes when the muscle undergoes oxygen debt during exercise(anaerobics). Because creatinine and creatine can hold higher energy phosphates to make ATP , one of the highest energy products in the cell , use of these components are far superior to pyruvate. Lean muscle mass can be built up also by exercise, like isotonic or aerobic types of activity that helps the most important muscle in the body, the heart. Isometrics in shorter intervals are less effective for overall systematic support , but do play an important supporting role. Exercise raises the level of metabolism to burn fat which helps build leaner muscle as well.
Healthy protein sources can include a variety of foods. Basic ones include:
Red meat: beef, lamb and pork
White meat: chicken and fowl
Fish:Marine fish and freshwater
Shellfish: crab, lobster, shrimp, oysters
Organ meats: liver, pate, etc...
But, their are perhaps even healthier protein sources we need to look at that have lesser implication when it comes to heart disease and cancer. These include:
Fermented soy
However, be certain of any gluten, wheat or dairy allergies when utilizing these alternatives depending on your sources.
An even greater source gaining much favor in athletes and vegetarians alike are:
Nuts: Almonds are good for the heart
Brown rice
Be aware that Lacto-proteins like cheeses and egg albumin offer some benefit depending on your metabolic type and your body fat. Again, remember the Wells Overlap model where some foods fit actually into more than one category.
With lack of protein in our diet we may find that our hair and nails become dry and brittle or the skin turgor is not as great so we seek more wrinkles. Weakness, malaise, and fatigue prematurely are other generalized symptoms are common also. Muscle wasting seen in malnourished inviduals are extremes of this in Kwashiokar and Marasmus.
We are seeing today how addicting carbohydrates can become to all of us. Like anything else eating in moderation is the key. But, the science of addiction science is now looking at the wiring of our brains . This science explains how we eat sweets to raise levels of biochemicals like serotonin to reduce depression or obtain "comfort" , thus the name "comfort foods". The sweet is a subsitute often acting as a surrogate for something else. These foods are literally altering mood as we eat them and some can almost cause an "orgasmic" or euphoric high while if and when they are witheld can mimick or cause actual withdrawl.
But what are complex and simple carbohydrates? They are what we eat practically everyday from the supermarket. Complex carbohydrates include fruits and vegetables. They add fiber so that the absorption rate of glucose is not as rapid like that of simple carbohydrates we find in breads, cereals, cakes, pies, and candy. Often a "sugar rush or high" ensues after eating and then a rapid low or "crash" occurs with these. Fiber also helps the transit time in which our gastro-intestinal tract moves to sweep out un-digested material. Monosaccharides like glucose give us short energy and can be beneficial for athletes in quick exercise. Some amino acids like DMG can be converted to glucose to give your muscles the energy from tiring out too quicly in competition or work outs that have smoother absorption rates. Other simple sugars are fructose(corn sources), maltose , galactose(syrup sources) and lactose(diary source)But , other simple sugars include diasaccharides such as table sugar. It is estimated the average American consumes 150 pounds of table sugar annualy!
The greater challenge today is trying to get children and some adults from the highly addictive and highly commercialized HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup) which is in just about all snack foods we see in the supermarket from cereal, cakes, cookies, candy , chips and sodas. Pediatric authorities have come out strongly against this form of carbohydrate because how much it is utilized , but for an even greater developing problem. That is the rapid rise in pediatric diabetes, fatty liver disease and even cardio-vascular problems due to its over-use. It is believed that a high population of those with liver dsyfunction will arise in the next generation of Americans due to this carbohydrate. This has a direct expense on healthcare for us greatly in the coming future.
Be aware of foods with aspartame which is implicated in toxic neurological problems including epileptic-type results and brain tumors. Saccharin was shown in animal studies to be related to cancer. Many of these "artificial sweetners" are heavily used in sodas.
Today it is known that Stevia and Xylitol offer the two top alternatives in our diets if we chose an alternative sweetner . Both are "green" alternatives to simple sugars . Stevia comes from a green leafy plant from South America and parts of Asia. It is known to be hundreds of times sweeter than simple sugars and doesn't cause hyperglycemia or related problems such as type II diabetes nor tooth cavities. One will not experience the "crash" one gets with simple sugars using this either. Xylitol has received a recent endorsement by certain dental authorities as the preferred alternative sweetner and is known to cut down and prevent cavities in teeth!
Today one of the biggest epidemics pushing upwards of over twenty million is Diabetes. As diets become higher in fats and carbohydrates and as activity becomes less and less we are becoming a "bigger" nation , literally. Obesity, overweight status and the Metabolic-Cardiovascular Syndrome(Syndrome-X which is associated with hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, over-weight, and heart disease) are all on the rise. The first thing is to try and prevent these metabolic derrangements of our blood by eating more complex carbohydrates , then try to exercise by simply walking.
Sure, today we see that we can help reduce rising blood sugars in our daily lifestyle by adding a mineral called Chromium picolinate. It helps stabilize blood sugar from rising too much or too fast and can help aborption rates of the sugar while at the same time help build lean muscle mass . This mineral can also help improve your body fat composition. But, there may be an even better choice in a botanical (herbal) called Gynemma. It is from a green leafy plant that does practically everything as chromium. These agents do not mean you can stop taking your insulin or your oral hypoglycemic agent(OHAs), however those who are battling stability of blood sugar before becoming a diabetic or someone who already is, this may be an alternative or additive to assist and make you less dependent on OHAs
Fats are not only good they are essential even cholesterol. The liver also produces cholesterol besides us eating it from external dietary sources. This cholesterol is the important component utilized by our brains fatty material called sphingomyelin and the fatty vitamins( D,A,K,E) as well as making natural occuring anti-inflammatory agensts called prostaglandins. The fats are used by the lipid layer of our cells to help emulsify agents and help in the gating-control of osmosis. So, fat is essential . What we have to understand is that fats have to be controlled. The amount we intake and the types we consume have to be monitored in the diet. The easy accesibility and the "taste" that commercially utilized fats give us is ever so tempting especially in fast food restaurants.Saturated fats have gone under fire as the main culprit because of cholesterol. But, we just shown you how cholesterol is good . Well, actually it is both good with the right quantity and quality , but can be dangerous when they are too much. But, realize when fats are "oxidized" in the blood and are at a very high level, they can harm the inner surfaces of vital arteries like the coronaries in the heart. This along with clogging the artery with platelets and calcium are the "combined" cause of angina, artery spasm, and heart-attack. Free oxygen radicals and a process known as Peroxidation are being looked into as potential causes of cardio-vascular events , but other causes that have been presented are immune causes and bacterial, particularly from poor dental hygeine. So, understand that whole process. This is also why anti-oxidants are important to the heart. Some studies have ironically even shown that poly-unsaturated fats(PUFAs) could actually be the culprit and not saturated fats. I believe that it has to be more of a "combined " cause regardless , that involves a process.
Of course we eat them everyday practically and they are in our organic supermarkets. These include coconut oil and canola oil. Coconut oil has been looked at by several sources to improve immunity , prevent certain cancers and act as a anti-bactericidal. Go back to the beginning of the section on fats to review how fats are needed.
Fats are important and fats are needed and some fats like Omega 3 oils help reduce the bad cholesterol known to us as LDL. Cholesterol has to be taken into consideration as a total number. But , more importantly you must look at the level of the LDL and HDL known as the good fat indivially, then even more importantly is the ratio of your LDL to the HDL. We have discussed above the sources of increased saturated fats, these dietary sources happen to be the same sources that cause increased LDL. So, what helps us increase the HDL? Exercise and wines(both red and white). Garlic and onions have been mentined as well as an ancient Indian agent known as guggul are known to help reduce the rising cholesterol as well .
What are alternative fats that we should be using:
Flax oil
Flax seed oil
Olive Oil
Omega 3( Marine fish) DHA, EFA, GLA, Cod Liver
Omega 6
some Omega 9 (be careful how and when used)
The key agents we have to utilize more of are Nano-Nutrition because heart disease is the number one killer . These include anti-oxidants. We just explained the harmful effects of "oxidation" in the body that are believed to produce heart disease and cancer. The idea of anti-oxidizing agensts is used to detoxify these harmful chemicals .
Vitamin C
vitamin E
Super Oxide Dismutase
Co-Enzyme Q 10
Grape Seed Extract
Pomegranate Extract
Co-enzyme Q
These are the ones that are most powerful, easily accesible and mostly utilized today and are commercially available. Always check and make sure you obtain them from a reputable source.
L-Carnitine has proven invaluable because it is known to be a fat carrier in the cell. It will transport fats from adipose to be delivered to the liver for higher utilization. Mitochondria , the powerhouses of the cells also receive the delivered fats in other organ cells for energy, too. L-Carnitine is readily available as a supplement form as well.
In closing, try to get about 50 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber daily. Be aware of your salt intake keeping it from 0.5 grams to 4 grams daily. Your body fat , if you are an adult female should be below 32% and between 15-22 % for males. Keep your BMI(body mass index) below 30. Make carbohydrates between 50 - 60 % of your daily intake about which 75 % should come directly from complex carbs. A total cholesterol below 200 mg/dl is also ideal.
Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a previous Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute(NIH/NHLBI).He has also served at the Health & Human Services(HHS) , Public Health Service(PHS) and the Commissioned Corp.
Go to to learn more about these and other Nano-Nutrition and about how to use Nano-Nutrition as daily Bio-fuels daily.
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