Monday, February 14, 2011

Flavonols for All

Flavonoids are found virtually in all superfoods and are becoming the super-micronutrient to maintaining the balance of life. The Larger group that encompasses these related bio-nutrients is called the Flavonoid Group where over about 6000 exist. They contain several nutrients found in fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Flvavonlos such as Catechin and epicatechin are found in green tea, cocoa, wine and dark chocolate where they can act as antioxidants that can protect against heart disease, cancer and premature aging process.Catechin fights free oxygen radicals that destroys cells DNA along with epicatechin.

Another Flavonoid called Quercetin found in citrus fruits, apples, srawberries, spinach, peppers and onions fights against lung cancer, tumors, and viruses by being an anti-inflammatory agent. A cousin -Flavonoid in this category is called kaemferol. Onions are known to help lower cholesterol as well.

The Flavonoids more specifically known to citrus fruits are the Eriodictoyl and hespertin.

The dark blue color of Anthrocyadins are seen in numerous berries. Grapes contain Cyandin as does wine. Wine may also contain Resveratrol, Grape Seed Extract and OPCs that also work as antioxidants that are implicated in improving heart function, fight cancer and reducing premature aging. Other types of Antocyandins are Cyandin and Peonidin. Berries such as cranberry, strawberry and cherries may act as anti-inflammatory agents naturally much like NSAIDS.

Isoflavones are seen in soy products called Genistein and Daidzein. They may provide certain phyto-estrogens to protect women from breast cancer as well act as a means to protect the prostate in men while providing calcium. There is still lots of controversy about the phytoestrogen and soy. Some critics feel that its compteitive inhibition to estrogen may only act as an alternative estrogen defeating its purpose, Others feel it competes and nullifies chemotherapy for cancer while still another goup feels that the it is either the isolates of soy that is the problem or if the soy itself is not fermented.

A group of Flavonoids called Flavones Leteolin and Apigenin are found in parsley and celery.

Ginko Biloba and pine bark contains ginkoloids that are also falvonoids that are known to help promote memory in subjects, too.This improvement was noted with 120 mg of ginko or 150 mg of pine bark daily.

Reputable studies are looking at high the regular use of Flavonoids improve cognitive function such as reasoning power, verbal use, motor skills and memory along with actual neurological functioning physiologically with reduction in neuropathy.It was the blue berries that were particularly attributed to memory.

The body's cells everyday use billions of cellular biochemical reactions where oxygen and other elements and enzymes are utilized. Many of the oxygen by-products emitted are called free oxygen radicals (FOS). They can also be obtained from the body trying to get rid of exposures to pollution, cigarette smake and radiation.

Studies showed that the subjects who consumed between 18-37 milligrams of flavonoids a day(15 blueberries/daily) scored best on cognitive tests.

Inflammation has becomes more implicated for vascular disease(i.e heart attack, agina, stroke and diabetic related disease).Inflammation may be an initiating factor that predisposing to cardiovascular disease leading to the aggregation of platelets and creation of a blood clot. The action of Flavonols may play become evermore important to prevent vascular disease.

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