Saturday, June 11, 2011

Common Toxicities Beyond Cell Phone Use: Part 1

Lately we've heard a lot about the link between cell phones and brain cancer. The FDA and other scientific authorities have come to conclude that this is  a real and not just theoretical possibility. Scientist are looking into how non-ionizing radiation can effect cognitive functioning as well. Non-ionizing radiation unlike its more popularized radiation happening in Fukishima , Japan takes a different approach to cellular damaging. It "slow cooks" matter from within. Cell phones are not the only culprit here. We have to look at other sources also  such as microwave ovens, hand held devices or lap tops as well as those tall cell phone towers that emit ELF.

Non-ionizing radiation may effect high turnover cells or cells that are highly sensitive such as the brain, particularly a childs developing brain or even gonadal organs may be susceptible to them which even greater implications can come from.

Some Neurological scientist are also looking at cognitive functioning of those who use cell phones a lot and see a common link in reducing brain skills, also.

But as we look around our homes further we will see more toxins we use just about everyday that cause disease in autoimmune forms , asthma or cancer.

The National Institutes of Health along with Mount Sinai Medical School have found a link between styrofoam coffee cups and cancer particularly leukemia and lymphoma. The styrofoam contains a chemical called styrene which is toxic.

Pregnant women and children in particularly need to be careful. Hot drinks in these types of containers actually accelerte the toxicity as heat radiates.

Medical scientist at Mount Sinai also have looked at BPA a bisphenol chemical compound often found in babies plastic bottles and other similar plastic bottles, aluminum cans and plastic wrappings. Neonates often given plastic bottles may expereince later some type of  hormonal imbalances. It is better to use glass bottles.

Similar precaustion it to be given to plastic water bottles particularly when kept warmer than normal or cooler than normal as well.

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