Monday, February 22, 2010

Are You Tired of Drug Recalls and Alerts Yet?

Most Americans can't help but to recognize that the governments top drug administrator has been overly busy in the last few years with many pharmaceuitcal warnings. This has been born out of a rash of television ad campaigns that asks everyone to "ask your doctor". In the mean time some of the biggest recalls of medicines have occured in the last two decades. What is the cause of this and what is the solution for such a rampid amount of recalls, alerts and warnings? Are there alternatives to this that can favor our outcome in health?

Let's first look at some of the biggest recalls that have impacted us and see how we can navigate from the situation.

In 1997 , one of the largest scares to hit the "Dieting Community" was with the combination of "Fen-Phen". This remarkable combination of "speed-like" medicaton helped many lose weight , but became a hazard for diet. The combination was known to cause heart disease such as left ventricular thickening as well as PPH or primary pulmonary fibrosis. Unfortunately there were several fatalities from this. Today Phentermine is still safely utilized when used by itself. The fenfluramine has been updated to the dexfenfluramine type , a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. However serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are the mainstay of modern psycho-pharmacology in treating depression and other mood problems . Ironically , they too are known to cause more depression and suicidal ideation in some studies.

After this problematic combination , drug manufacturers started to look more at the gut rather than the brain to solve problems with diets and fats in the diet. A new approach came in the form of Xenical which comes over the counter today as Alli. The idea did solve the neurologic and cardiac association and the psychoactive involvement with serotonin re-uptake inhibitors , but now created very soupy diarrhea that was extremely foul smelling because of the acidic fats in the stool. It worked, but there was a price to pay. Latest studies of Alli have found there to be some serious liver involvement in question to its usage as well.

Enter, now the fiasco with some class of meds known as "statins". Becuase of their name ending with "statin" they have been nicknamed as such. These drugs were also thought of to be ground breaking and promising for fat lowering of cholesterol and triglycerides as well. The ACC(American College of Cardiologist) suggested that drugs like Zetia may not have slowed down fatty plaques for stroke or heart disease, but actually sped them up. Zetia blocks cholesterols absorption in the gut. Unlike "statins" that block a cholesterol producing enzyme in the liver. Statins were found to cause liver disease and severe muscle soreness from destroying muscle cells. The pigment of which can be harmful to the kidney.But, moreover these class of drugs were found to be related to muscle weakness associated to the nerves that innervate them.Heart failure as well with cognitive symptoms have been assoiciated as a side effect. But, some reports are now relating an increased rate of cancer as well.

Today several oral hypoglycemic agents taken by those with type 2 Diabetes , particularly Avandia have been found to have serious side effects associated with them. Avandia was noted to be associated with having heart attacks in maybe over 83,000 people.

Perhaps we need to start with the culture we are living in that is exposing us to fats such as saturated fats and hydrogenated fats(trans) that are in popular foods. Another substance found in french fries causes poisonous oxidation of fats to create future heart disease and perhaps cancer called acrilimide.

Exposures to foods with other caustic agents such as genetically modified foods, antibiotics, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, irradiation, micro-waving, HFCS, MSG, PAHs, HCAs, Aspartame, Saccharin, and chemical or artificial dyes coloring and preservatives offer further concern.

What we breathe in the air and drink in commercial beverages and our water sources is becoming another larger problem.

With this new technology from the emissions of automobiles, factories, radiation from machines that have ionizing and non-ionizing effects are all a part of a much greater concern.

Are there alternatives to drugs that can act as agents to help the metabolism burn fats more efficiently or control appetite smoother? In a nutshell-emphatically yes! The alternative to synthetic(artificial) drugs called Anorectant Agents(AMs) are Nano-Nutrition made from plants or either in the human body called Thermogenic agents.

The herbal guarana represents perhaps one of the best and most efficient examples of a thermogenic agent that raises cellular metabolism. In so doing the body burns fat more efficiently, however, it only really does this IF the person is actively participating in some form of exercise. You just don't pop the guarana in and it works. One must have a exercise regimen of any type to get the full benefit of it. Guarana has been found in South American studies to reduce the "stickiness" of platelets .These small cells cause clots in the blood stream.

Other agents such as Green Tea offer antioxidant power along with raising metabolism safely. Cayenne pepper remarkably can do the same but has a unique anti-inflammatory component for you after your sore aches and pains of exercise.

Other possiblities are 7-Keto , DHEA, and Yerba Mate.

Hoodia, a South African plant has been looked at by both the pharmaceutical industry and botanical world as being a very valid appetite suppresant. Its patent was aggressively sought after , but fortunately was not obtained by Europena drug companies. This has allowed natural makers of its supplemental form to be very accessible and affordable. It works by "tricking" the brain into believing that there is more sugar in the body, which is the natural message of satiety. It works specifically at controlling your "carb craves".

Another excellent choice is HCA or Garcinia Cambogia. Also a plant by-product of a citric acid derivative. While it is controlling the appeite generally it helps you build lean muscle mass.

Some have raised their eyebrows about the rather dubious or conflicting evidence that garlic and onions may help in reducing cholesterol . It is no secret these are main staples in a Mediterranean diet and nutrtional and anecdotal evidence seems to support them in that particular lifestyle and may also for others some real benefit as well. Reducing your appetite for red meats is another way to prevent your risk to rising cholesterol. Exercise is another way to increase the good cholesterol called HDL and lower the so-called "bad" cholesterol while keeping the total cholesterol stable.

Eating Omega 3 oils from fish as well as oils such as DHA, ALA have been proven medically as well as nutrtionally able to reduce fats in the blood. Other great oil to act as alternatives are natural oils such as flax, flax seed, and safflower.

There are even benefits of canola and coconut oils as well.

The body produces L-Carnitine to help transport fat to the cells engine called the mitochondria, where they can "burn " the fats as fuels. It also comes as a supplemental.

But, perhaps Ayervedic medicine from India has provided naturally one of the key ingredients against high fat in the blood. This Nano-Nutrtion is called Guggul and works very well.

We have seen how dietary, nutrtional and activity regimens help lower fats in the blood. This is also applied to control of blood sugar. Exercise allows for better sensing of your own insulin and the receptors on the cells that absorb sugar. However, when this is combined with certain Nano-Nutrtion, you get a better outcome.

Studies have looked at how to control blood sugar better. Although some of us have no other alternative but insulin or even some oral hypoglycemics. Nutrtional breakthroughs are finding out that the mineral Chromium can help stabilize the blood sugar as well as help body composition. But, there may be even an equally or more effective plant based agent that performs the same function called Gynemma.

As we begin to see the problematic situation we are headed in today's healthcare, solutions have to be offered that are realistic, safe and effective. The only real way of doing that is changing the "toxic culture" that we exist in with a new paradigm that includes Nano-Nutrition as an integrated part of ones life.

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a past Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart,Lung & Blood Institute. He has a Master's in Public Health from Emory University. He has also served in the Health and Human Services(HHS), Public Health Service(PHS), and the Commissioned Corp.

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