Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Are You Tired of Drug Recalls and Alerts Yet? Part 2

As more and more of us are living longer we will become more exposed to the potential of acquiring chronic illnesses. This has led to greater cost demands of healthcare in the future, but are we inadvertently creating illness via foods that have antibiotics, estrogen, growth hormones, genetic modification, irradiation, microwaves, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, PAHs, HCAs, MSG, HFCS(high fructose corn syrup), Trans fats, acrilimide, fast foods and artificial dyes ?

What are the health implications that pollutants in the air, water and ground we walk upon have on our bodily systems? Today there is the growing concern of the toxicities, side effects, contraindications, and iatrogenic effects of medicinals in what we take as treatments. Synthetic and artificially made products we call drugs are making a even greater impact on our bodies with effects we don't want to have.

Pharmaceuticals are being utilized at an unbelievable rate perhaps even in scenarios ten or twenty years ago we would have brushed off with a "mom's chicken soup" approach to tending to our ailments. However a whole classification and "culture" of dis-ease has been born out of this . We are looking more today as healthcare professionals are practicing medicine in degrees of sickness as a norm rather than designing solutions of prevention. So much of their time is wasted in practicing defensive medicine ans QA/UR paper work!

Recently we have seen how therapies for restless leg, and mood change, women's occasional irregular cycles , or minor aches and inflammation "have" to be treated with a drug. Pharmaceuticals "do" have there place and "do" work effectively in situations that require there assistants, but 75% of the garden variety situations we've described above are not they.

Today we are seeing either drug recalls or medical alerts about the use of Avandia an oral hypoglycemic agent causing heart failure, fluid retention and now heart attacks in some studies. The oral hypoglycemic agent Byetta is noted to be related to causing hemorrhagic and/or necrotizing pancreatitis. Singulair is an anti-inflammatory agent used for asthmatics and has been related to causing certain neurological and pscyhiatric problems along with mood swings.

Accutane , the famous acne drug is related to birth defects and other mental health problems. The famous class of drugs for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction such as Cialis has been associated with decreased hearing, tinnitus(ringing or buzzing in the ear) as well as dizziness. The first studies for Viagra showed some concern for men who had blood pressure issues and there were even reports of sustained painful erection.

Anti-inflammatory agents called COX2 inhibitors were known to cause gastro-intestinal bleeding, and cardio-vascular risks increased. Both Celebrex and Vioxx are in this category. Flomax used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH) has been noted to casue eye problems.

Drugs called Statins that lower cholesterol by inhibiting a liver enzyme recently were found to cause a painful sore muscle disease called myopathy along with rhabdomyalysis, the destruction of muscle cells and liver problems. Other types of cholesterol lowering agents like Zetia and Vytorin loss there endorsement by the American Cardiology Association because they seemed to casue more incidents of plaque build up in the arteries increasing risk of stroke and other cardio-vascular incidents.

So, what is going on? We are conditioned to pop a pill with anything today because it has become quite commercial. A real campaign of prevention in health looking at reducing what has to be the "Mother of all chronic illneses" , obesity has been mild in comparison. Obesity is associated with heart disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancers, polycystic ovarian disease, liver disease, arthritis, asthma , sleep apnea, depression, eating disorders, high blood sugar and increased body fat and much much more. How can we not see this as our plan of attack? To wage a war on the largest epidemic in today!

It will take a lot to pull both the private and public sector into creating a "culture of wellness" , by putting prevention , fitness , wellness and nutritional education way out in front.

But, there is another area that is greatly overlooked and lacking. It is an area of science where Nobel Laureates have described in detail and biochemist have shown to be where all of life is generated and maintained. It is called the human cell. Nano-Nutrition and bio-fuels were found out to be the basic building blocks of supplemental compounds that nourish and fortify a healthy balanced life. These supplements include vitamins, antioxidants, herbals, minerals, enzymes, nutraceuticals, and botanicals.

But, somehow the medical community has shyed away from their uses . These are the same compounds that are in green, red, yellow, and orange vegetables and fruit in which commercial processing is now destroying. Why not utilize Nano-Nutrition as an effective method to help or prevent growing chronic illnesses more often? In the end we may not have any better alternative than prevention. Remember what grandma use to say: "an ounce of prevention..."

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a past Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute. He has served in the Health and Human Services(HHS) Public Health Service(PHS) and the Commissioned Corp

Learn more on how to use natural and herbal products that are organically based Nano-Nutrition in your daily regimen to restore balance at http://www.tgx360.com/

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