Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Psychology of Beating Obesity

It has always been interesting to me that perhaps the greatest if not one of the most important components overlooked for metabolic balance ( weight control, carbohydrate control, exercise, weather-climate related depression, and addictions) are our emotions!

Our emotions are intimately tied to our image and how we perceive ourselves. This affects how we eat, what we eat and when we eat. More importantly it plays a major role if we motivate ourselves to do anything about it.

For a long time scientist have tried to make the biological separate from the emotional aspect of ones lifestyle when they are intimately intertwined. We have seen the results of what depression, happiness and anger may play on one's blood pressure, having heart attacks , strokes, raising blood sugar, stress hormones and affecting one's immunity. Today with the advent of radio-imaging techniques we can see sub-cortical centers that control for every aspect of our thinking and our emotions.

The glands such as the thalmus, hypothalmus, and amygdala can be seen and measurements of their biochemicals and hormones they make also can be quantified. There appears to be a lattice of these centers connecting them by nerves, blood vessels , secretory vessels and neruo-chemicals. For instance, the thalmus contains sub-centers that controls for satiety, hunger, thirst, sleep, temperature, sex, agression, depression, and the effect of the sun in your wake cycle. Remember the hypothalmus and the amygdala are also packed in tightly to this center and controls for more emotions such as sexulity and various hormones such as sex hormones.

Have you ever wondered why does someone by themselves on a lonely Friday night begins to eat more foods that they like? Why is it that when eating there favorite "comfort food" they begin to feel fulfilled and maybe even experience an almost "orgasmic-euphoric high" as they watch a late night movie. When the "comfort" food is removed they will later experience what we would call a virtual withdrawl state in many instances!

Why is it that in the winter time when there is less sunlight, more clouds, colder temperatures, and shorter days that we begin to eat more , stay in-doors more and do less exercise? During this time the holidays arrive and guess what? We tend to gain more weight and complain and develop melancholia (the blues) or depression more often!

Why does there seem to be almost a connection between sex and agression. There seems to be tension, a "struggle" or a "chase" . There is a confrontation of what is about to happen and a process ensues. There is a climax then a decline in all the energy! Is it ironic that when working out in a gym we begin to sweat and secrete testosterone and pheromones through our pores. There are even special pheromones women secrete when women are ovulating called copulins that send a signal to males that indicate "they are ready"! These chemicals cause physical attraction to a specific match and testosterone builds up muscles which gives a more aesthetic physique to attract. Looking further at exercise, the heart rate goes up, and the blood pressure goes up. The breathing rate rises and the pupils begin to dilate. But, wait- these are almost the same exact results we saw during sexual activity, too!

These 3 examples of the paradoxical phenomena of biological behaviors are not coincidental it is because the centers that control for them are all related and are closely connected. There is cause to beleive that even a "spill-over effect" if you would from one nucleus to another may occur in all that neural wiring. In other words overeating, loneliness, depression, melancholia, libido, aggression, metabolism satiety, thirst and temperature control are all related.

Our perception plays a role in how we perceive ourselves as we said. If television commercials, bill boards, and magazines only project a certain image we are lead to believe that it's the image we must look like. Daily hundreds of thousands of commercials are sending overt messages , but it is the subliminal message that registers with us subconciously and makes us very frustrated with our own self-image.

What happens is we all rush out and buy the latest "fad" for two weeks and get angry that the results are not what we wanted . Whether it's the sexy clothes that are supposed to make you "hotter" and look lighter, the diet shake or energy drink ; these momentary messages are not telling us the full story . So, what does this do? It sets up in our society what is now known as the "Vanity Syndrome" with narcissism being the core symptom of it. We have to "get" the latest whatever it is on t.v. and especially if our BFF/BFG has it! What this does is create a vicious cycle of "yo-yo" dieting, continuous failures and set ups. The creation of more body dysmorphia , self-critical, self-loathing, self-defeating and self deprecating thinking because you are not meeting the " commercial standard".

This defeats any self-value and self-esteem and self-worth we may have built up. So, what do we do? First, don't beleive the hype, a T.V. personality in a white lab coat doesn't validate any product or program. Themogenix shows us scientifically that metabolism is the only driving force that alone that can help you lose fat weight , but keep it off permanently. There are at least 3 basic metabolic types that science has proven. Please , see more in these blogspot series to learn yours.

Secondly, know that any product or program must have not only your nuritonal-caloric match it also must have an activity plan for you to balance your glucose and insulin as well as your hormones. The best product or program is one that is compatible with your lifestyle and health. Set some reachable goals to help modify old behaviors that impede your success such as counting calories, measuring servings or cups of certain foods, put reminders on the "fridge", get the kids, and your partner involved. Go walk with a neighbor and reward yourself. Like the First Laday says..."Let's Move!" Go to http://www.tgx360.com/ and take the Thermogenix Challenge to motivate yourself into your lifestyles goals.

Fourth, don't forget about Nano-Nutritions that are healthy green and organic supplements . Those Nano-Nutrition that can work as bio-fuels are the ones most beneficial to you in reaching your metabolic goals.Learn more about healthy Nano-Nutrition and where to find them at http://www.tgx360.com/.

What and how you perceive yourself is what you will become. There is a mind- body connection . The brain relates your inward feelings to what you are outwardly by what you feel about yourself. Emotion is one of the most important components to metabolism that is under appreciated in the over all battle. Physical medicine professionals, nutrtionist , Naturopaths and homeopaths must shift the paradigm by moving beyond the physical-material realm alone. Thought becomes perhaps the most powerful determinant of what our condition is both physically and emotionally. If this component continues to be over-looked we will persist to fight an uphill battle in the war on fat(obesity) !

Dr. Marcus Wells, MD, MPH is a past Clinical Associate from the National Institutes of Health at the National Heart, Lung & Blood Insitute. He holds a Master's in Public Health from Emory University . He has also served in the Health & Human Services(HHS) , Public Health Service(PHS) and the Commissioned Corp.

"Do something Thermodyamic Today! Because Life is energy!"

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