Sunday, November 21, 2010

Color to Calories adds healthy Nutrition

We are noticing through nature that certain colors of natural foods contain certain nutritional value that are very beneficial. I think nature is trying to tell us something that science has been missing until most recently. Nutritionist, medical scientist and herbslogist have noticed that the color spectrum of certain foods do make an impact in our daily diets:

Green foods such as spinach, lettuce, green peas , collard greens and avocado contain phytochemicals such as lutein and indole that can protect against cancer and poor vision.

Orange and yellow foods have bioflavonoids and carotenoids. We see this in sweet potatoes, tangerine , grapefruit, and carrots. These bio-nutrients are rich sources that can help reduce cancer, support vision and fortify immunity.

Berries come in all sizes, shapes and multiple colors too. The anthocyanin and phenolics in blackberries, blueberries, eggplant, plums and grapes are known to help reduce risk of cancers and heart disease.

Even white or tanned foods such as onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, pears, cauliflower and bananas contain allicin a phytochemical.These foods are known for lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and augment immunity to fight off infection.

So, start noticing color and use this as a guide to help you determine what type of color your calories will be today!

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